bump rev so new gems are available ht... was committed by Scott Barron
Monday Dec 15
Raise an exception if the state is no... was committed by Scott Barron 03:18 PM
Merge branch 'master' of git@github.c... was committed by Scott Barron
Friday Dec 12
exclude rcov.rb from rcov report http... was committed by Scott Barron 10:05 AM
Allow duplicate state names in subcla... was committed by Tim Pope
Wednesday Nov 05
Invoke original inherited callback wh... was committed by Tim Pope
Thursday Oct 09
Added support for lambdas and arrays ... was committed by Jon Distad 10:53 AM
Version module is causing conflicts w... was committed by Scott Barron
Tuesday Oct 07
new aasm unit spec http://github.com/... was committed by Jon Distad
Friday Oct 03
modified (and fixed) failed event! be... was committed by Jon Distad 01:15 PM
bang event methods now return false a... was committed by Jon Distad 11:22 AM
[Jon] increased the scope of active_r... was committed by Edgecase Pair One 10:15 AM
InvalidTransition should inherit from... was committed by Scott Barron
Wednesday Aug 13
This spec wasn't really working right... was committed by Scott Barron 05:56 PM
Sync up version numbers - bumping min... was committed by Scott Barron
Tuesday Jul 22
Fixing version number in README.rdoc.... was committed by Eric Lindvall
Wednesday Jul 09
Provide explanation for why a transit... was committed by Eric Lindvall 07:17 PM
pump version so gem updates http://gi... was committed by Scott Barron
Tuesday Jul 08
update changelog http://github.com/ru... was committed by Scott Barron
Monday Jun 23
typo http://github.com/rubyist/aasm/c... was committed by Scott Barron
Sunday Jun 22
add lighthouse and github urls to REA... was committed by Scott Barron 11:49 AM
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Library for adding state machines to Ruby classes. Includes persistence layers for things like ActiveRecord. Formerly known as acts_as_state_machine.